Travel insurance might seem like something that’s not actually needed and nobody wants to shell out unnecessary expenses. But in reality if you are a frequent traveller having a travel insurance actually makes a lot of sense. Though it may not be able to assist you in avoiding mis-happenings but can compensate for your monetary expenditure. There are plenty of reasons why a good travel insurance comes in handy. Some are discussed below: Trip Cancellation: Suppose you fall sick, or somebody dear to you meets with an accident, compelling you to cancel your trip last moment. Lost or Delayed Baggage : In case you are carrying something expensive and your bag gets delayed or worst, lost. It is better to insure it beforehand. Dismemberment or Accidental Deaths: This is similar to a life insurance policy. In case of your accidental death or dismemberment while travelling, your beneficiary will be given the benefits of insurance . Hijacking: If a terrorist attack occurs before you leave f...